Madd Hatter's Lab

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Science Fiction Novels run through my Head

Lately, when I start to wake, instead of remembering part of a dream, I have a novel running through my head as I come into consciousness. Crazy stories, just like I'm reading it from a book.

This morning's was something out of science fiction. A person, in the future, doing some schleppy IT-related work because he wants to slack off. Only he realizes the work he does fuels what he hates about society and aids in lining the pockets of his enemies. There were spaceships involved - a la Futurama, but more grown up and realistic and grimy.

It just always strikes me as odd when I wake up and there are these well-formed sentences running through my head, and I'm not the center of the dream or even watching it - someone is narrating it. I find it even more odd that I have some sort of science fiction brewing in my unconscious; I don't even like science fiction. But that can mainly be blamed on Star Trek.

It's time to pick up work on the pod series again.

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Friday, October 03, 2008

VP nominee debates and how the press infuriates me

Pantheon, Rome

I'm not big on watching political anything. It's just not for me, listening to people drone on. Put a transcript in front of me, so I can read, deconstruct, take notes - that I can do, though I realize you lose the human element, body language, the tone. I just can't stomach 90 minutes of chatter and blah, blah, blah.

But highlights - a 3 to 5 minute recap, I'll listen to that, stay current (again, taken with a grain of salt, since what is shown is very subjective to the producers, reporters and editors). The thing that really strikes me this morning is, "Biden vs. Palin - there's no clear winner, but Palin didn't fail, which is what many expected. She held her own."

Yes, that's a good motivator for me when I'm at my lowest. I may not have sparkled and shined, performing top-notch, but at least I didn't fail. Quite frankly, I don't see that as I'm successful at something. Is that really what we need in a leader of our country? "Wow, she didn't fail, so that's successful." That's bullshit. You need a leader, someone who can take charge, bring value to the table and clearly come out on top. Not someone who scrapes by, because they didn't fail.

Since I didn't really listen to the debate, and I haven't actually read any in-depth information on the debate, this isn't so much a criticism of the two candidates as it is the press and the reaction of the hand-picked "public" on the TV this morning.
