Funnily enough, I find myself craving gingerale now. I know "Brilliant!" is Guiness's schtick, but I think the use of these 1950s illustrations to make hilarious commercials deserves a "Brilliant!". And a toast, with a Jack and Ginger, or something equally Schwepps-tastic.
My past week+ has been taken up with a nervous stomach over Milo, and the ups and downs a parent might feel. First, worried about his surgery (torn ACL). Followed by happy that he was coming home. Followed by worry that he was too excited, followed by extreme worry that he wasn't moving, followed by feeling helpless and sleeping in his bed with him because he was upset and crying, and I couldn't figure out what was wrong. This was followed by feelings of "did I do the right thing?" over the surgery; is he eating enough; is he eating too little? How much pain killer do I give him? Do I need to sedate him at night? Is it really okay if I leave his cone off? Is he using that leg too much? Too little? Will removing his staples tomorrow be painful? How will he react going back to the vet? Should I go to D.C. for Thanksgiving? What if something happens?????
Brain at a snail's pace, unless it is thinking about Milo. Then it is flying at light speed, along with my heart, my breath. I know it will all turn out fine, but I can't stop the anxiety.
Apparently this is a popular title for me. I saw this commercial last night and my first thought was "Island of Misfit Toys!!!". I always loved this part, partially because of the polka-dotted elephant. I should make myself one.
Then I saw the iPhone come in, and the rest of the commercial played out, and I thought, "Awesome!". I have nothing against the iPhone, and the Verizon "map for that" commercial was rather clever, but this one just cracks me up. It has a pop culture reference with zing. Who wouldn't love that?
Art is about experiences. It is about the experiences you, as a viewer, bring with you. It is about the experiences I've had over my lifetime.
So I'm giving you a glimpse into my life and experiences. This diary is a compilation of current events, reminiscences, thoughts, and even a few posts about my pieces.
Feel free to share your experiences with me via the comments links.
A southern girl, displaced, but loving every minute of it. A drifter through life, living in the moment or just enjoying that moment. An artist who forgoes the thinking to just create. An impassioned soul, but only for the briefest of periods... until the next new thing comes along. A comedian, well, I amuse myself anyway. :-)