Madd Hatter's Lab

Thursday, June 30, 2005

this one's for Cathy

To the glass being half-full... even if it looks like less than half :-)

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Outlook: Hazy

My life now fits in small, rectangular boxes. And those boxes tell me when to pick up the phone, when to go to the post office, when to eat, when to quit working, when to sleep. I don't like this much organization in my life. I hate that Microsoft is telling me what to do... especially since it's Microsoft - I detest them.

Monday, June 27, 2005


I've never cared for baseball. My favorite part of the game is sitting in the sun, sipping a beer and having a polish dog -- I could care less what's going on in the game. Maybe it's because the first pro-game I witnessed was the KC Royals, who have a great park, but even I understand they absolutely suck (when your marketing campaigns consist of phrases such as "I believe" you know you need help).

My first trip to NYC (and the only thus far) happened to coincide with the 2004 World Series... I believe it was game 3 when the Yankees were still on their winning streak -- only needing one more game to wrap this year's series up in a nice, tidy package and go home. I've never seen such camaraderie as I saw in the bar we happened to stop in trying to catch the UT/Auburn game (or UT and someone).

Over the next few days, I continued to watch how the series wrapped up, Sox coming back and kicking butt, and I almost found myself getting excited, and rooting for the underdogs -- Break the Curse of the Bambino!!

All in all, I still consider baseball to be a boring game. But, given the right atmosphere (i.e. alcoholic daze), a ballgame is a great way to pass the time.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Cali Life

I think the best choice I've made in this short life is to move to the great state of California. I never cease to be impressed by the beauty of this place, whether it's watching the clouds from the coast roll over the mountains, witnessing the change of the seasons as the mountains turn from green to brown and back again, or enjoying the brilliant spring blooms along the trails that I walk Milo on.

I think these are black-eyed susans, but I'm not truly sure (I'm very, very bad with plants), despite the fact that they were my favorite flower to draw. My art teacher in elementary school showed us how to draw black-eyed susans. It was very formulaic. First, you drew a purple teardrop upside down. You filled it in with the purple, then you went around the edges with black. You shaded the bottom portion of the teardrop in with black as well. Then, you drew yellow petals off the bottom of the teardrop, from about the middle-point on both sides. You filled these in with yellow, and then scribbled some orange closer to the teardrop on the petals. Last you pegged on a green steam and leaves, with a touch of brown, and threw in a horizontal line for grass.

I drew these over and over again, following the formula. Guess that's why I'm not the best illustrator in the world -- too formulaic, but not enough discipline.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

What Are You Going to Be When You Grow Up

Hmm... Nudist or Moocher? Tough choice - but those of you who really know me know my answer without a doubt.


Tuesday, June 14, 2005

On the Road Again

It's nice to get away from it all. Jump in the car and drive until your cell phone doesn't work anymore. Away from everything, where you can see every star and the galactic dust shimmering in the night sky.

Milo enjoys it too. Going to the country is like a "get back to your doggie roots" retreat for him. Forget being the sociable, mingling pup -- run wild, twist and turn in the dirt, strip down and hop in the pond -- go for a swim.