Madd Hatter's Lab

Monday, February 26, 2007

Ever hear of Jethro?

Really? Pants with a rope as the belt? If this is actually the trend, I am old. Ancient.


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

"Tiffany" is the Secret Word

Tiffany (scream real loud) misunderstood when her date said "Let's Go Dutch"

Raju and I saw this last night on our way to the wine bar. I thought of Tiffany (scream real loud), not because I can see her in this get up, but just because her name is Tiffany (scream real loud) and she's my friend. She's actually my famous friend. She knows famous people and even has an IMDB entry. It's funny that I'm learning that she was in a movie from IMDB -- though who knows, she may have told me this before and I've just forgotten (highly likely).

We have also learned from Tiffany (scream real loud) that organic milk lasts longer than regular milk. Being the geeks that we are, we had to find out why this morning.

Here's to Tiffany (scream real loud). Now if I just had a scooter.

NOTE: I was never really a fan of Pee Wee's Playhouse -- but my cousin was and we watched it a lot to make her happy. I did enjoy the set though. The Secret Word is the one thing I do remember. For the Scooter at the end, we'll thank Wikipedia.

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Monday, February 05, 2007

Blending into a New Family

It's taken a little time for me to get over the whirlwind trip from last week (which now seems so long ago). I had a lot of firsts last week -- first trip to DC/Maryland, first time wearing a sari, first time meeting my future mother- and father-in-law, first time getting a taste of what being an aunt might be like :-)

I had a wonderful time, and I haven't quite figured out yet how to put it all into words -- I'm not sure I ever will. As I said, it was a whirlwind trip. A few days in Maryland, a few days Tennessee, and finally back home.


Sunday, February 04, 2007

SUPERbowl Sunday

SUPER because I won 200 bucks! I never win anything! It was Raju's money though, so I gave it back to him. Pretty decent return on $10 I think. Maybe I should manage the money :-)

Tiffany came up this weekend - visiting on Super Bowl weekend is becoming a trend. We had a great time at Khartoum (not just because I won the money, but that didn't hurt). Raju enjoyed some perfectly poured black-n-tans. I was impressed, so I had to take a pict (top pict).

A great time was had by all -- as you can see from my goofy grin...
