Madd Hatter's Lab

Thursday, March 29, 2007

reverse rayograph

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Wednesday, March 28, 2007



Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The whole 6 yards


Sunday, March 25, 2007


"So, what is it?"
"I'm not telling you."
"Can I shake it?"
"Is it fragile?"
"You can't shake it."
"Well, what is it?"
"You'll see."
"C'mon, just a hint... Pleeeeeasssssee!"
"Nope. You'll have to wait until Christmas."
"But, that's not the way it works. You're supposed to give me a hint."
"Don't you want to be surprised when you open it? I want to be surprised when I open your gift."
"Just a hint."
"It's made out of wood."
"Really? Give me another hint."
"I gave you a hint."
"But I need another. I can't shake it, so I need another."
"Wooden clogs. I got you wooden clogs."
"Yep, clogs."
"Like people from Holland wear?"
"Yep. Clogs."


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Smile - I am

Reading my friend Pappy's site today made me think of thoughts I had a while back. It also made me get off my ass and go for a walk, which Milo enjoyed greatly.

I'm not sure if I'm just on Cloud 9 lately, or if I'm just trying to focus on the good things, and not the stress and worry of the future, the past, the what ifs, etc. It's not a concious focus, so maybe I'm just slowly, slowly learning to relax.

As I was walking Milo the other morning, the bees were buzzing, it was pleasantly warm, the sun was shining, the flowers on the bushes were blooming. I smiled. As I smiled, and side-stepped the snail, I started making a list in my head of all the things that make me smile, and make my worries melt away.

When I stepped out today, and saw the leaves above, I decided when I got back in, whether or not I had the time, I would at least sit down and put some of my thoughts down in writing...

Things that Make me Smile

  • Colors in nature - especially when they match the vibrant outfit I'm wearing

  • The sun warming the crown of my head

  • The smell of flowers blooming on the first day of spring

  • Milo's prance

  • Nin ordering me a birthday present off the internet (and it getting here!)

  • The smell of Indian food on my right hand

  • Raju laughing at my loving his Mom's mango pickle

  • Raju's mom taking the time to show me how to make her mango pickle

  • The brilliant blue of the sky

  • The slightly damp air on a warm morning

  • The pomeranian on the trail with it's butt shaved (actually, this one made me laugh)

  • The twinkle in Raju's eye when he laughs at a little kid running

  • Being moved to create something

  • My Dad's hug

  • Lounging outside while typing this list, or enjoying a glass of wine in my little outdoor sanctuary in the evening

  • The sparkle of my engagement ring in the sun

  • The first time I start up the grill when the weather warms

  • Having good friends and the most wonderful family

  • Cupcakes, with or without sprinkles

  • Getting flowers

  • Raju's hand gently rubbing mine

  • Memories

  • Water

  • Knowing I will see Mom soon

  • My dried herb garden

  • My live roses

  • California Poppies

  • Wearing a sarong

  • Palm trees

  • Milo's smile :-)

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Monday, March 05, 2007

Wedding Details

It's not complete, but there's quite a bit of information compiled here for my guests. We should have more information added in the next week or so, and will be sending out save the date emails this week.

So, for those of you who read the blog, you have the inside track.

Now it's back to work for me... Click here for the wedding website.


Saturday, March 03, 2007

Milo's Not Happy

We had a fun trip to the emergency vet today, and now I'm drained. Milo hates me. Every time he bumps into something with his cone, he turns around and stares at me. I don't blame him.


Friday, March 02, 2007

We have a date, a place, and I have a dress!

And sometime soon there will be a website with all the details -- or, as many details as we have worked out for the time being. Stay tuned for the countdown to August 18th...
