Madd Hatter's Lab

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

If you've somehow stumbled upon this blog...

If you've stumbled upon this blog on blogspot, it is actually hosted on my site, Madd Hatter's Lab. All new posts are there, along with these oldies but goodies.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Laundry Day

Remember laundry day in college? Where every shred of clothing you owned was dirty. Dirty, not just worn once or twice. I loved that the building I lived in had 10+ washers and dryers in the basement, because I generally had 6 or 7 loads of laundry to do at once. The only problem was getting a washer that worked was a bit like Russian roulette. Half the time they would stop, mid-wash, with all the filthy water standing around my clothes.

Last week, when discussing the end of a decade with Raju, I had the realization how long a decade really is. "I graduated college!" I said, wide-eyed. Hell, I was still in college at the turn of the decade. This was the end of a long list of other major milestones that happened:

1. I got married... more than once
2. We bought a house
3. I traveled around the world
4. I traveled to French Polynesia - twice
5. I acquired Milo
6. I acquired Raju :-)
7. I started this blog and this website
8. I got my first real job (cut'n'paste ninja!!)
9. I quit my first real job for an "art" job (and promptly went back to first real job)
10. I moved to California
11. I went to the Albuquerque Balloon Fest (one goal on Mom's travel list)
12. I visited San Antonio Riverwalk (another goal on Mom's travel list)
13. I learned to drive a stick shift
14. I learned to like, then LOVE beer
15. I attended my first NFL and NHL games
16. I lived through my first surgery... and suffered only minor embarrassment from the drugs
17. I became addicted to coffee in the AM
18. I had my first gallery shows
19. I had my first ever Indian food (and Ethiopian, and probably a few others)
20. I went from carrying a 300+ CD case to an iPod
21. I got my first computer (Dell desktop) and became addicted to the internets
22. I graduated college

I know there were many, many more things that happened in the past decade, some I will remember later, some are completely forgotten. However, I still have piles of laundry to do on laundry day, just like in college. I have a feeling housework is a chore I will never learn to embrace.

So that's my laundry list; that's my reflection. Enough dwelling in the past, it's now time to focus on the present and the future.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Deck the halls with BOOZE... and Schwepps

Funnily enough, I find myself craving gingerale now. I know "Brilliant!" is Guiness's schtick, but I think the use of these 1950s illustrations to make hilarious commercials deserves a "Brilliant!". And a toast, with a Jack and Ginger, or something equally Schwepps-tastic.

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Life continues @ warp speed

And my brain continues at a snail's pace.

My past week+ has been taken up with a nervous stomach over Milo, and the ups and downs a parent might feel. First, worried about his surgery (torn ACL). Followed by happy that he was coming home. Followed by worry that he was too excited, followed by extreme worry that he wasn't moving, followed by feeling helpless and sleeping in his bed with him because he was upset and crying, and I couldn't figure out what was wrong. This was followed by feelings of "did I do the right thing?" over the surgery; is he eating enough; is he eating too little? How much pain killer do I give him? Do I need to sedate him at night? Is it really okay if I leave his cone off? Is he using that leg too much? Too little? Will removing his staples tomorrow be painful? How will he react going back to the vet? Should I go to D.C. for Thanksgiving? What if something happens?????

Brain at a snail's pace, unless it is thinking about Milo. Then it is flying at light speed, along with my heart, my breath. I know it will all turn out fine, but I can't stop the anxiety.

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Jingle Bells are Ringing, part 2

Apparently this is a popular title for me. I saw this commercial last night and my first thought was "Island of Misfit Toys!!!". I always loved this part, partially because of the polka-dotted elephant. I should make myself one.

Then I saw the iPhone come in, and the rest of the commercial played out, and I thought, "Awesome!". I have nothing against the iPhone, and the Verizon "map for that" commercial was rather clever, but this one just cracks me up. It has a pop culture reference with zing. Who wouldn't love that?


Thursday, October 01, 2009

Who knew I was a fan of French poetic realism?

Actually, who even knew French poetic realism existed? I harbor an affinity for Casablanca, and Pèpè le Moko might be even better than Casablanca. Last night we decided to do dinner and a movie, but we didn't think we had any Moroccan-themed movies (actually, we were right). Inspired by the Frenchie music playing at the time, I suggested one of the French movies from the boxset I bought from Janus a while back (one of the best impulse purchases ever made). We settled on Pèpè le Moko, not caring what it was about, but it ended up fitting our theme perfectly. Set in the Casbah of Algiers, Pèpè is a jewel thief that "is a wanted man: women long for him, rivals hope to destroy him, and the law is breathing down his neck at every turn." (From the Criterion site, seriously, could I write a better line?)

It's a love story, action-packed; it keeps you hanging on the edge of your seat waiting to see what turn the plot will take next. There's empathy felt for the smooth-talking, womanizing main character; there's beautiful set and costume design. It hearkens back to a different time, a 1950s feel. So it floored me today when I realized this movie was made in 1937. 1937?? I thought movies back then were simplistic, possibly even silent. This! This was very modern feel... well, for 1937 it was a modern feel. I guess Casablanca was a 40s movie, though, so not so far off.

End result of the night: wonderful meal, wonderful food, wonderful company. Lingering memories and photos.


Friday, September 25, 2009

Buon giorno!

It's Friday, and I think I just blew some snot into my caffè. Gross. Oh well, I guess that will just give it a slightly salty flavor.

I'm readying myself for another weekend with a long to-do list, which I'm sure I won't get through. In fact, most of the to-do's are left over from last week. This morning, I'm looking through the many photos from Italy, again, trying to determine what I want to put on the wall above the dining table. I'm thinking the warm tones in most of those photos would work in the room. I have a photo on the wall now, but it's not working for me. Too dark.

The photo above is from Firenze. I like the mixture of fresh fruit and overly processed junk food offered. You don't often see that in America, so you don't feel so bad if you reach for the Haribo and Sprite, because tasty-fresh apples and oranges aren't available at the local gas station.

I've been reading a new book, The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite by David Kessler, which isn't really a self-help book like you would think from the title, but actually an insightful look into how the food corporations make the food we crave and why we crave it. There's lots of talk of testing on lab rat testing, fat, sugar, and salt (To the point, sometimes, where I do not want to hear those 3 words again. I get it!!! already.), and reward. The one thing that really disturbs me is the talk of the food companies trying to make food that melts in your mouth. The food is described as almost pre-chewed and reconstituted just so it takes a few less chomps to make it melt in your mouth and disappear, thus taking the work out of it for you. Really? I'm so lazy that I can't chew 10 more times before swallowing? Maybe not lazy, but apparently this is something people react positively to in their food. Come to think of it, those Lay's potato chips do melt nicely in my mouth. Speaking of Lay's (don't they have the slogan "bet you can't eat just one"?), another theme that pops out in this book is the fact that the food companies want you addicted to their food. Anything less than addicted just won't do. Seriously.

So while I'll never give up my M&Ms and Ruffles with French Onion dip, admonish those who, *gasp*, eat American cheese, or become one of those people who notes the calories of the Chili Cheese Coney with tater tots and an Ocean Water trying to make myself or others feel guilty about what is being enjoyed in the moment, this book is reinforcing my need for home-cooked meals, restaurants that I trust not to feed me frozen, pre-cooked food that can be picked up at my local Safeway in the freezer section, "shopping the perimeter" of the grocery store, or better yet, shopping the Farmer's Market, and just in general enjoying some yummy food. Food, not reconstituted, addictive, melt-in-your-mouth, chemically-laden, overly preserved... un-food? Not sure what you call it at that point. Filler?

Hmm, I have went from "I need a picture" to soapbox in one post this morning. I guess I'm making up for my lack of posts this week.

Til next time... Ciao! (yes, I'm trying to learn Italian, too)

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

D is for Dependency

It seems I'm in a D mood lately. Dependency, dreaming, domestication... DDD.

This morning I had a realization how dependent I've become. I was thinking of going for a run or a bike ride, or both. I thought a bike ride on the trail would be nice, but I would have to go alone. That was a big deterrent in my mind (there's the D again). Then I wondered, "What the hell is wrong with me? I can ride a bike alone." Yet even after that realization, I was still debating (D) on whether or not to go.

I went. It was grand. I decided (D) to only ride, mainly because I couldn't find the bike racks at the park (found them after I gave up the idea of the run, so I'll know next time). Six and a half miles, mulling over and over in my mind why I don't want to do (DD) things alone anymore. I no longer want to go out and grab dinner (D) by myself; I rarely go out to shop, because it will be by myself. I used to never have this problem. I did all sorts of things all by my lonesome.

Goal: get over it.
Realization: I love having Raju to do stuff with. It's like having a best friend around all the time. Except he's not around all the time. He has a life. I have a life. We have a life. I should live my life. Starting with the bike ride this morning. Maybe I'll follow up with lunch at the pho restaurant. Hopefully dinner will be shared over a nice glass of wine, though. Me sharing - that's another topic.

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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Back to Domestic Goddess, or maybe just Dreaming Domestic Couch Potato

This picture posted on Flickr inspired me for the outdoor dining space. Of course, I don't have enough room for all of those beautiful umbrellas, and Raju might kill me if I paint the side of the house (ala one of those HGTV shows we watched once upon a time, of course, she also cut away part of the deck; damn did her hubby need that margarita maker they won when he came home). So I'm paring down a bit and going with what seems to be leaning more toward a French feel with the red and blue and the Tolix chairs. Either way, it will be better than what it is today.

what it is today: clean slate or barren waste land? cup half full or half empty?

Of course, we'll need more plants, and brighter colored planters than are in the mock above. Shortcuts - I just wanted some greenery in the picture.

The current plan is to put in the tall, skinny evergreens, similar to the ones in this photo from Florence (center of the pic) in a row down the fence. That should give us some privacy and kill some of the ambient road noise. So I guess we're bringing a little Italy back in. Maybe I can call this "Euroblend"?

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Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Monday, Monday

It feels like a Monday, even though it is Tuesday. The first day back to work after a long weekend is always bleh, but the first day back after spending the weekend cleaning is even more bleh. It feels like there was no break, no special day off.

Oh well, the weekend's closer than if it were Monday. Yay!
