Madd Hatter's Lab

Friday, July 27, 2007

Football Season: Full Speed Ahead

The sun filtered through the trees as waited in the driveway.

"Are you guys ready to go?"

No, they weren't.

"I'm taking off. I'll meet you there, okay?"

I slide into the Fiero and back down the gravel driveway, narrowly missing the trees.

It's the first game of the season -- UT versus somebody, I never follow these things too closely. Surprisingly I don't have too hard of a time getting in.

I start looking for my seat. I go all the way to the top of one set of metal bleachers, then I start heading back down a couple of rows over. Here are my seats, toward the front. The family is already waiting for me.

We watch the kickoff. At halftime, we decide to get some food.

It might have been nice if I explained -- this football game was taking place in a huge, Wal-Mart-style warehouse. Just on the other side of the field, behind the bleachers, were the grocery aisles.

"I've found the cookies!" I shout, as I grab a pack of Oreos. I run back down the aisle and hop into the electric car. "Hit the gas; let's check out and get back to our seats."

We speed down the main aisle and everyone else wants to get into this long line. "No, let's go down here..." They don't follow, so I take my cookies and go.

I end up behind the scenes, long concrete hallways, heading to loading docks, locker rooms, storage. There's a random mop and bucket sitting in the hallway.

Eventually, I make it back to my seat. Time to settle in for the second half...



"When they tell you to grow up, they mean stop growing."
- Tom Robbins

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Sunday, July 22, 2007

The wedding is nearing

Yesterday the day was spent in San Francisco. We went to pick up my dress (yay!!!). Then we headed down to the Ferry Building to take some pictures and grab some grub.

We're closing in on the wedding. Only 27 days until the big day. And there is still so much that needs to be done.

But, we did take a break yesterday evening to enjoy the gifts we've been receiving -- we ate our first meal off of the new dishes from our registry. Buffalo steaks and grilled veggies -- yummy! Thank you Lad & Becky and Ninny & Papaw!

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I've been through LAX before - a few times. I've never seen this hallway or one like it.

One word for it, surreal. In this picture, you can see a little vehicle, that was about a third of the way back. So imagine this picture times 3, and that's the length we walked down this very white, very repetitive hallway. And the entire time, there was beeping eminating from somewhere. Beeeep, beeep, beeep, beeep, beeep... Like something out of a Stanley Kubrick film.

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Saturday, July 14, 2007

Cincin's Airport is a Hub of Activity

Today is opposite day. Remember opposite day? When your friends (or enemies, more likely) would say or do something, and you would say "Nuh-uh! It's opposite day!"

Last weekend -- I think it was last weekend, it feels so long ago -- last weekend we had the flights from hell on Delta. The first two flights were majorly delayed, but we make it to the gate in Cincinatti 4 minutes before the plane was supposed to leave, and that plane, the one that would have taken me where I wanted to go, was already gone.

So we get some meal vouchers and eat. Then we chill in the Cincinatti airport, where you could find a private area, because no one and no planes were there.

But, we make it to TN, and we have a fine time there, partying at Bob's and eating a fine lunch cooked by my uncle.

Sunday evening was more fun times on Delta. Delayed again, of course, the other flight wasn't. They send us to San Francisco insted of San Jose. They give us meal vouchers. That's what I want at midnight in SF - a meal voucher. How about a voucher to pay for transport from SFO to SJC?? That was 60 bucks and an hour and a half lost from my pocket.

Oh well. At least I got to spend some time in Tennessee, and Raju came with me.

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Friday, July 06, 2007


I need to rotate this photo - but you get the idea.


Monday, July 02, 2007

Flying Chipmunks, Wedding Planning and Football Stadiums

I've had crazy dreams lately. I haven't had a chance to write about them, but I will soon. And at some point, let's just say next year since I know aiming for anything this year is a joke, there will be a series of paintings based on my wacky, tacky dreams.

So instead of staying in my sleep-depraived state of mind, I'm going to post a photo from Carmel (oh Carmel, you were so long ago...) and pretend that I'm in that state of mind.

Happy Monday!

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